Peer Support Services


What is a Peer?

A peer is someone who has successfully recovered from mental and/or substance use disorders who helps others experiencing similar situations. MHA can match you with a peer that will work with you one-on-one to help ensure your basic needs are met.

CORE Services

(Community Oriented Recovery & Empowerment Services)

CORE Services are designed to provide opportunities for eligible Medicaid recipients with mental health and/or substance use needs to receive services in their home or community.

CORE Services can help you:

  • Find and retain a job
  • Resume your education
  • Live independently
  • Build relationships
  • Increase your wellness

Contact Us

Complete the referral form below or e-mail Tammy DeMarle, Director of Community Based Peer Support Services for Adults.

(585) 325-3145, x643.


Resource Navigation

Connect with one of our Resource Navigators for assistance with:

  • Accessing mental health services
  • Getting or keeping public benefits (such as food stamps, cash assistance, social security, and housing)
  • Resolving housing issues
  • Resolving health insurance issues
  • Access to food, clothing and household items
  • Attend Dept. of Human Services or Social Security appointments and help with the necessary paperwork

Contact Us

Email Josephine Vasquez – Resource Navigator
(585) 325-3145
No referral necessary