Creative Wellness Opportunities


Creative Wellness Opportunities (CWO) workshops and mutual support groups are formed and facilitated by peers in recovery and designed for fellow individuals focused on their mental health journeys. Our current offerings include a variety of creative arts workshops, meditation, stretching, guitar and mutual support groups. We envision CWO as a safe and inclusive peer community that encourages mindful kindness and self-directed creativity for mental wellness.

Opportunities are available for adults ages 18 and older having lived experience with mental health conditions. No referral is necessary.

For more information please call:
(585) 325-3145

We are located at:
274 N. Goodman St. Ste. D103, Rochester, NY 14607 

Workshops and Mutual Support Groups:

Directions to connect to the virtual workshops and mutual support groups by computer, tablet, or phone can be found by clicking the link above. If you have questions, please call  (585) 325-3145.